Gallery Pages
The following links give you an idea of what some of the Club Members have been turning.
The Lockdown Projects Gallery
The spring and summer of 2020 have been a difficult time for all meeting events, particularly the scheduled Club Night Meetings of the NWWA.
The UK government has implemented a 'lockdown-social distancing' strategy in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering that a good proportion of the Membership is retired and are probably able to spend as much time as they want in the workshop - they are now joined by other Members who are on enforced 'work from home' or 'stay at home' measures. Clearly, a lot of the Membership is now able to spend (more) time in their workshops…
On these pages there will be displays of work created by Members whilst on lockdown. These are the 'Lockdown Projects'. This is the equivalent of the 'display table' from Club nights.
Click to display projects that Club Members have created during the Covid-19 lockdown:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
A Mangled Lockdown Project
Tim Mortimer has provided details of a large lockdown project that he has recently completed.
The project was to convert an old cast iron mangle into a printing press.
Click HERE to display the page.
Lockdown Demonstration
Dave Branscombe was scheduled to give a demontration at the Club Night on Wednesday 13th May -
which was cancelled (of course). He has documented the steps he was going to show - and these have been converted
into a web page.
Click HERE
to display the Lockdown Demonstration page.
NWWA Gift to Deceased Members' Family
Photos of some work undertaken by the Club to make two Cremation Urns for the family of a deceased Club Member,
Bob Sawyer.
Click HERE
to display the page.
Individual Members' Gallery Pages