About Our Organisation

North North Wiltshire Woodturners Association (NWWA) is a woodturning club serving woodturners in and around the North Wiltshire area. Our aim is to provide a club, which meets monthly, where we can share our common interest in woodturning, learn from each other, promote the craft and generally socialise with like-minded people. Our club nights frequently feature demonstrations from professional turners who travel from far and wide to give us the benefit of their wisdom and experience.

On 1st November 2006 a group of around 15 of us met together in the Crown Hotel, Wootton Bassett in order to explore the possibilities of moving on from chatting about woodturning over a pint in the lounge to operating as a club on a more formal footing.
By the next meeting we had secured a lathe, a hall (Hook Village Hall) to meet in and things seem to be moving forward nicely.

Visitors and New Members
We warmly invite all those who are interested to come along to our next Club night and help us to continue to build and develop what has become a really rewarding, educational, entertaining and fun organisation. And don't forget, this is a Club for all skill levels. You don't have to own a lathe and you don't need previous experience of woodturning. Just come as you are.
Visitors may attend two Club meetings prior to joining and paying the annual Membership fee and a £5 joining fee.
There is an attendance fee of £3.00 per meeting - which includes the cost of refreshments.

Subscription Fees for 2025

Annual Subscription:  The Annual Membership fee is £30.
Library borrowing fees are included in the Membership Subscription.  See: Club Library
The Club year runs from January through December.

Club Night Fees
:  Entrance fee is £3 at each Club night.
Refreshments are provided at no extra charge.  Please bring a little extra cash for the raffle.  Raffle tickets are usually £1 each.

Club Nights:  We meet on the second Wednesday of every month (See: Club Diary) in Hook Village Hall (just North of Royal Wootton Bassett) - doors open at 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start - finishing at around 10.00 pm.  See: Location

Equipment Hire
:  The Club has some equipment which is available for hire to Members.  Contact the Equipment Manager for details.  See: Equipment for Hire

NWWA Committee Members for 2024 - 2025

 Tim Mortimer
 Secretary:  Arthur Kingdon
 Treasurer:  Ken Gateley
 Website Administrator: 
 Harry Rock
 Raffle Organiser:
 George Gansbuehler
 Events Organiser:
 Martin Barrett
 Equipment Manager
 Paul Kohn

If you wish to make contact with a Committee Member - please use the 'Contact Us' page - they will respond directly to you ASAP

NEW Video Equipment for 2023

For 2023 the Club has replaced its camera, projector and screen in favour of two 55" high definition video monitors.
Each screen displays the output from individual cameras mounted to show a view directly over the toolrest and demonstrator, with another camera to show an 'end on' view from the lathe tailstock.

NWWA Group Photo for April 2024