Advertisements - for Sale and Wanted

This page is for Club members' woodworking-related advertisements and items for sale. We can't offer for sale the bric-a-brac you've just turned out of your loft, neither can we run business-related and "off topic" advertisements. However, if you have a lathe for sale (for example) or you want to offer that collection of hollowing tools that you've built up over the years, but no longer use, then contact the Web Administrator by clicking on the "Contact Us" button on the left.
You may also specify whether your personal contact details (phone/ email) are displayed on the page - or whether you would like all responses to be dealt with via the Web Site. Therefore, if there's something you'd like to purchase, just click the "Contact Us" button, enter your details and we'll get back to you with the seller's contact details.

NOTE:  NWWA takes no responsibility for the content/ description of any items offered.  Do your own research and make your own decisions...

Currently, there are not any items for sale or wanted...