Our Club Constitution
Our club constitution is currently dated 2022. It's in .pdf format which means you'll need a copy of Adobe Reader (or similar) to view it. Click here to download a free copy of Adobe Reader if you don't already have it.
Club Policies
The North Wiltshire Woodturners Association (NWWA) has a number of documents detailing Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, Safeguarding Policies, GDPR etc.As a Club Member you are encouraged to read all of the documents listed below so that you are aware of these issues
and will be able to act accordingly. All documents are PDF files and should open in a new Window when selected.
1. NWWA Health & Safety Policy (See: HERE - file size 93 Kb)
Content: Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessment, General Safety Considerations, PAT Testing etc.
2. NWWA Safeguarding Policy (See: HERE - file size 143 Kb)
Content: Safeguarding Policy, Child Protection Policy - Member Guidelines, Event Consent Form
2A. NWWA Safeguarding Policy - Consent Form ONLY (See HERE - file size 82 Kb)
3. NWWA Risk Assessment (See: HERE - file size 108 Kb)
Content: Risk Assessment Guidelines, Risk Assessment Template
3A. NWWA Risk Assessment - Template ONLY (See HERE - file size 70 Kb)
4. NWWA Events - Safety in the Workshop (See HERE - files size 88 Kb)
Content: General safety in the workshop, on the lathe, dress, sharpening etc.
5. NWWA - Volunteers Running Clubs (See HERE - files size 54 Kb)
Content: General statement on Health & Safety regarding volunteers running Clubs
6. NWWA GDPR Privacy Policy (See HERE - file size 83 Kb)
Content: NWWA - GDPR information on Members data held and how it is used.
NOTE: All of the above named documents have been assembled into one PDF file – to download this document
click HERE (file size 224 Kb)