Welcome to the website of North Wiltshire Woodturners Association (NWWA).
Do take a few minutes to explore our website.
Here you will find loads of interesting information, write up/ reviews of some of the professional demonstrators who have visited the club along with an Odds & Ends page and an extensive list of interesting wood related websites (see Links Page).

Questions/ Problems with your woodturning? Don't forget the club is for you! If you have questions or problems with your woodturning do ask more experienced club members for help. We have a wealth of experience among our club membership so don't suffer in silence. Somebody is sure to be able to help - or at least point you in the right direction. You only have to ask.

 Next Meeting  Gallery Pictures

Wednesday 14th August 2024

Club Activities:

Club Demonstrators

Dave Branscombe
Tim Mortimer
Our Galleries contain a range of pictures of members work.
When there was a lack of Club Meetings owing to Covid-19 – Club Members contributed some of the items they had been working on to the Lockdown Projects Gallery – click here to visit the page

Interested in Joining Us?
Forthcoming Events

See the About Us page for details.   See the Club Diary page for full details of all Club activities.
For Sale
  Want to get rid of that old mattress or the old sofa with the stain on the cushion? Well, you can't advertise it here! However, for Club Members who want to buy or sell woodturning-related items, click here